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Словарь обозначений. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "CXXIII" в других словарях:

  • Ado (archbishop) — Ado (also Adon, Adonis Viennensis) (died 875), archbishop of Vienne in Lotharingia, belonged to a famous Frankish house, and spent much of his middle life in Italy. He held his archiepiscopal seat from 850 till his death on the 16 December 874.… …   Wikipedia

  • Ecclesiastical Privileges —     Ecclesiastical Privileges     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Ecclesiastical Privileges     Ecclesiastical privileges are exceptions to the Law made in favour of the clergy or in favour of consecrated and sacred objects and places.     I.     The… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Aix-en-Provence — French commune nomcommune=Aix en Provence x=197 y=209 caption=The coat of arms of Aix en Provence région=Provence Alpes Côte d Azur département=Bouches du Rhône arrondissement=Aix en Provence canton= insee=13001 cp=13100 or 13090 maire=Maryse… …   Wikipedia

  • Tito Livio Frulovisi — (fl. 1430s 1440s) was a humanist from Ferrara and grew up in Venice. It was there that he wrote his first works, a set of comedies which were performed by schoolboys. They were some of the first examples of this genre in Renaissance Italy. In the …   Wikipedia

  • Ландольт Hans — (Landolt, род. в 1831) проф. унив. в Берлине, директор химического института, член берл. академии наук. Известен работами по оптике, из которых назовем: Зависимость показателя преломления от плотности ( Poggend. Annalen , т. CXVII, CXXII,… …   Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона

  • Liste Des Abbés De Saint-Denis — Cette liste recense l ensemble des abbés de Saint Denis. Sommaire 1 VIIe siècle 2 VIIIe siècle 3 IXe siècle 4 Xe …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Liste des abbes de Saint-Denis — Liste des abbés de Saint Denis Cette liste recense l ensemble des abbés de Saint Denis. Sommaire 1 VIIe siècle 2 VIIIe siècle 3 IXe siècle 4 Xe …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Liste des abbés de Saint-Denis — Cette liste recense l ensemble des abbés de Saint Denis. Sommaire 1 VIIe siècle 2 VIIIe siècle 3 IXe siècle 4 Xe siècle …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Liste des abbés de saint-denis — Cette liste recense l ensemble des abbés de Saint Denis. Sommaire 1 VIIe siècle 2 VIIIe siècle 3 IXe siècle 4 Xe …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Psalms — • The Psalter, or Book of Psalms, is the first book of the Writings , i.e. of the third section of the printed Hebrew Bible of today. Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Psalms     Psalms …   Catholic encyclopedia

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