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  • Hildebert of Lavardin — • Bishop of Le Mans, Archbishop of Tours, and celebrated medieval poet; b. about 1056, at the Castle of Lavardin near Montoir on the Loire; d. 8 December, 1133 or 1134 Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Hildebert of Lavardin      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Inspiration of the Bible — • Covered in four sections, I. Belief in Inspired books; II. Nature of Inspiration; III. Extent of Inspiration; IV. Protestant Views on the Inspiration of the Bible Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Inspiration of the Bible      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Physiologus — The Physiologus is a didactic text written or compiled in Greek by an unknown author, in Alexandria; its composition has been traditionally dated to the second century AD by readers who saw parallels with writings of Clement of Alexandria, who is …   Wikipedia

  • Petrus Comestor — Petrus (Peter) Comestor was a French theological writer (died c. 1178). BiographyBorn in Troyes, he was first attached to the Church of Notre Dame in that city and habitually signed himself as Presbyter Trecensis . Before 1148 he became dean of… …   Wikipedia

  • Christian burial — Ascension Parish burial ground, Cambridge, UK. A Christian burial is the burial of a deceased person with specifically Christian ecclesiastical rites; typically, in consecrated ground. Until recent times Christians generally objected to cremation …   Wikipedia

  • Bentham & Hooker system — An early taxonomic system, the Bentham Hooker system for seed plants was published in ::cite book|author = G. Bentham J.D. Hooker|year = three volumes, 1862–1883|title = Genera plantarum ad exemplaria imprimis in herbariis kewensibus servata… …   Wikipedia

  • De Candolle system — An early taxonomic system, the de Candolle system was originally published in : A. P. de Candolle (2nd edition, 1819). Théorie élémentaire de la botanique, ou exposition des principes de la classification naturelle et de l’art de décrire et… …   Wikipedia

  • Amon Liner — (May 29, 1940 ndash; July 26, 1976) was an American poet and playwright.BiographyAmon Liner was born in Charlotte, North Carolina. He received a B.A. in English from Kenyon College, and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He received a Masters in… …   Wikipedia

  • De Candolle System — Die Systematik der Bedecktsamer nach de Candolle, das de Candolle System war eine der ersten natürlichen Pflanzensystematiken, welche binäre Nomenklatur nutzten. Sie war zuerst publiziert in A. P. de Candolle (1819) Théorie élémentaire de la… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 171 (nombre) — Cent soixante et onze redirige ici. Cet article est relatif au nombre 171. Pour l année, voir 171. 171 Cardinal Cent soixante et onze Ordinal Cent soixante et onzième 171e Préfixe gr …   Wikipédia en Français

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