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Смотреть что такое "CDLI" в других словарях:

  • CDLI — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. CDLI est un sigle pouvant désigner : Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (en anglais en:Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative), une bibliothèque… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • vəcdli — sif. Vəcdə gəlmiş, cuşa gəlmiş, ruhlanmış, şad, sevincli …   Azərbaycan dilinin izahlı lüğəti

  • Centre for Distance Learning & Innovation — The Centre for Distance Learning Innovation or CDLI is a branch of the Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Education responsible for providing efficient education opportunities to students living in remote areas. History CDLI was founded in… …   Wikipedia

  • Proto-Elamite — The Proto Elamite period is the time of ca. 3200 BC to 2700 BC when Susa, the later capital of the Elamites began to receive influence from the cultures of the Iranian plateau. In archaeological terms this corresponds to the late Banesh period.… …   Wikipedia

  • Cuneiform script — Infobox Writing system name=Cuneiform type=Logographic typedesc=and syllabic languages=Akkadian, Eblaite, Elamite, Hattic, Hittite, Hurrian, Luwian, Sumerian, Urartian time=ca. 30th century BCE to 1st century CE fam1=(Proto writing) children=Old… …   Wikipedia

  • Keilschrifturkunde — Keilschrift Tontafel Vorderseite Keilschrift Tontafel Rückseite …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Sumerische Schrift — Keilschrift Tontafel Vorderseite Keilschrift Tontafel Rückseite …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Période d'Uruk — Masse d armes de la période d Uruk, Tello, v. 3500–2900 av. J. C., Musée du Louvre. La période d Uruk est un stade de développement protohistorique de la Mésopotamie, qui couvre en gros le IVe millénaire av. J. C. Comme son nom l indique, elle a… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative — The Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI) is an international digital library project aimed at putting text and images of an estimated 500,000 recovered cuneiform tablets created from between roughly 3350 BC and the end of the pre Christian …   Wikipedia

  • Sumerian King List — The Sumerian king list is an ancient text in the Sumerian language that lists kings of Sumer from Sumerian and foreign dynasties. It records the location of official kingship, along with the rulers and the lengths of their rule. Kingship was… …   Wikipedia

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