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  • Libri of Aleister Crowley — The Libri of Aleister Crowley is a list of texts mostly written or adapted by Aleister Crowley. Some are attributed to other authors. The list was intended for students of Crowley s magical order, the A∴A∴. Content Many of the books and articles… …   Wikipedia

  • Ship of Theseus — Philosophy ( …   Wikipedia

  • Maharshi Kapila — Maharishi Kapila (Hindi: कपिल ऋषि) is a Vedic sage, who as mentioned in the Srimad Bhagavatam is the author of basic principles of the Sankhya system of Indian philosophy as available in the classical Sankhya text, Sankhya Karika , in 70 (Sutras) …   Wikipedia

  • The Equinox — (subtitle: The Review of Scientific Illuminism ) is a series of publications in book form that serves as the official organ of the A. .A. ., the mystical order of Aleister Crowley (although material is often of import to its sister organization,… …   Wikipedia

  • Sanatkumara — Sage Sanatkumara was one of the Four Kumaras, the four Manasputras (mind born sons) or spiritual sons of Brahma according to Puranic texts of Hinduism, including the Bhagavata Purana, whose other sons were Sanaka, Sanatana, and Sanandana [… …   Wikipedia

  • 413 v. Chr. — Portal Geschichte | Portal Biografien | Aktuelle Ereignisse | Jahreskalender ◄ | 6. Jahrhundert v. Chr. | 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. | 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr. | ► ◄ | 430er v. Chr. | 420er v. Chr. | 410er v. Chr. | 400er v. Chr. |… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Neideck (Adelsgeschlecht) — Burgruine Neideck in der Fränkischen Schweiz Die Familie von Neideck, auch mit dem Namenszusatz Stübig, war ein fränkisches Adelsgeschlecht. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Der Name Neideck …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • tiédeur — [ tjedɶr ] n. f. • 1538; tevor région.XIIe au sens 2; de tiède 1 ♦ État, température de ce qui est tiède; chaleur modérée. « La molle tiédeur du bain » (Gautier). La tiédeur du climat. Littér. au plur. Les premières tiédeurs du printemps. 2 ♦ Fig …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • 341 (число) — 341 триста сорок один 338 · 339 · 340 · 341 · 342 · 343 · 344 Факторизация: Римская запись: CCCXLI Двоичное: 101010101 Восьмеричное: 525 …   Википедия

  • 341 — матем. • Запись римскими цифрами: CCCXLI …   Словарь обозначений

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